"This Persecution is the Worst There is”

The Event

On September 22, 2023, The Fort hosted an online report launch and panel discussion organized by the Youth Congress Rohingya  (YCR), a Rohingya refugee-led camp-based organization, for its first report: “This Persecution is the Worst There is”: Restrictions on Rohingya Freedom of Movement in Bangladesh. The more than 80-page report details crippling restrictions imposed by the Government of Bangladesh and widespread violence and extortion by the Armed Police Battalion, creating devastating conditions in the camps.

A team of Rohingya researchers conducted the YCR research, making it truly representative of Rohingya refugee perspectives. The report is based on data from hundreds of Rohingya refugees living in the camps as well as Bangladesh police officers who spoke about the government-imposed restrictions. Based on the findings, YCR offers 39 recommendations to the Bangladesh government, the international community, and humanitarian organizations. 

The online live event was conducted in English and a Rohingya language version of the event was made available later on The Fort Facebook page.

Speakers at the event included:

  • Andrew Riley, International Researcher and Advisor to YCR

  • Dr. Sa Sa, Ministry of International Cooperation, National Unity Government Myanmar

  • Hafsar Tameesuddin, Co-Secretary General, Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network

  • Nay San Lwin, Rohingya activist

  • John Quinley III, Director, Fortify Rights

  • Kara Wong, moderator, Peace and Action Researcher




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